Building design services
Cart Architecture can take you through all stages of building design to create the new property or extension you desire. We will design accordingly to your unique requirements, budget, specification and site conditions and strive to provide you with a design that meets your individual criteria.
Measured surveys and licensing drawings
Cart Architecture can carry out a measured survey of your property to allow design work to commence. This should only take a few hours depending on the size of your property. We can also prepare drawings for use in licensing applications or similar applications.
Planning applications
Many extensions to your property and any new building proposals require planning consent from your local council authority. Cart Architecture can advise as to legal requirements and help you obtain all required consents.
Building warrant applications
Most building work including internal alterations to existing buildings require consent from your local council authority. Cart Architecture can prepare technical drawings which will ensure your proposals meet up to date Scottish Building Regulations and will handle the application process to ensure your project meets all legal requirements.
Current building regulations place a greater emphasis on energy efficient buildings to allow us to meet UK carbon emission targets. Cart Architecture has an interest in low carbon technology and can help guide you to the best solutions for your project. It is likely that your new building will require some form of low carbon tech, ranging from passive technologies such as increased building fabric insulation and enhanced thermal bridging details, to active technologies such as photovoltaic roof panels to providing electricity or a heat pump to provide renewable heat alongside many other other products.
We are also fully accredited to produce Domestic energy calculations, including SAP calculations, u-value calculations and the production and lodging of EPCs for new build properties. Go to the section on Energy for more details.